7 small business ideas you can start with $50 in 2021
You can start a business with $50 in 2021 if you want.
With the internet taking over the whole world and relegating it into a tiny global village, businesses are also springing up every day and night that you can totally manage without Inventories.
With social media, starting a business has been made as simple as ABC. You can start various businesses from the comfort of your home and grow them into several thousand dollars a month.
Gone are those days when you needed to draft long Inventories, budget plans, business plans and huge startup funds just to start a business.
Now in 2021, you can start a business for $50 or even less and make an imaginable profit in a short while.
Here are 7 small business ideas you can start with $50 in 2021
1. Start a dropshipping business
Dropshipping is a very lucrative business if you know what you’re doing. The trick in dropshipping is to find products with high demands that actually solves people’s problems. The internet and social media are the best tools to research trendy and high-demand products with huge returns.
To start dropshipping, you need a website or a social media platform. You can start one with bluehost for less than $2.95 a month.
The quick process is to create a website on Shopify or WordPress, buy the AliExpress plugin and upload products from AliExpress.
Promote products via social media, paid ads/ Google ads.
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2. Sell a craft
There are various crafts that require almost no money to start, All you need is the necessary skills and the demand for them.
You can start crocheting-make clothes, bags, pillow cases kids wear, bedspread, floor spreads and a wide variety of creative items.
You can sell your craft items right from the comfort of your home, in a brick-and-mortar store or sell them online.
With a proper Google my business optimisation, you can get your business online and get lots of sales from people who are searching for your products online.
The first step is to create a website by buying your hosting and domain name. With bluehost, you can start a blog for as quick as 5 minutes and have it running and ready for business.
3. Start a flower shop
Can you make money growing and selling flowers?
According to motherearthnews, Cut flower growers in the United States report that an acre of well-grown and marketed flowers is worth approximately $25,000 to $30,000 in sales. Net income is much less than that, depending on factors such as equipment and supply expenses.
How much do plant sellers make?
According to thebalancesmb, Since the overhead for indoor plant care is low, you can give this business time to blossom. An annual income of $15,000 is reasonable for a part-time commitment, while a full-time venture can earn as much as $55,000 per year.
What are the best flowers to grow for profit?
According to profitableplants the best flower choices to insure profits include:
- Larkspur. …
- Snapdragon. …
- Peony. …
- Zinnias. …
- Sunflowers. …
- Verbena bonariensis. …
- Salvia. …
4. Start a Podcast
If you like the idea of starting a vlog/blog but prefer talking instead of writing/videoing, you can consider starting a podcast. Similar to running a blog, you should focus on a niche and educate/entertain people who are interested in your topic.
You can make income by placing ads, promoting products, or offering a paid service, where people pay a couple of dollars every month to listen to your podcast.
How much to start a podcast?
Although you can use your phone or computer microphone to record your podcasts, the audio quality will very likely not cut it except you are not a beginner. That’s why it’s recommended you buy a proper recording microphone to get a crisp clear sound.
Budget microphones are available for around $50. After a while, you can upgrade and get professional equipment like a pop filter or boom arm as needed.
You can host your podcast on free platforms, e.g. PodBean, and move on to paid plans once your audience expands.
How much money can you make with a podcast?
It all depends on how many people listen to your podcast and monetization methods. According to Lime, Tim Ferriss makes about USD 3 million a year. Pat Flynn earns around USD 3,000 per episode.
While we can consider these 2 as extremely successful examples, it shows that with podcasts, similar to blogs, you can actually make a decent income to live comfortably well.
5. Create YouTube Videos
Another great way to make money online is by creating content via YouTube. Similar to blogs and podcasts, you focus on a certain niche and present informative or entertaining videos to your audience.
You can make money via sponsored products, affiliate earnings, or ads. But again, you need to have a rather big audience to make enough money to live off of it.
How much money do you really need to start earning on YouTube?
YouTube is an online business that you can start for free. Most smartphone cameras will do just great in the beginning. There are also many free editing softwares out there you can use for your videos, e.g. VSDC.
But you may need a microphone to improve audio quality. A decent microphone makes a huge difference to your sound quality.
How much money can you make as a beginner YouTuber?
It’s the same as with every content-based business: If your content is unique, solves relevant problems, and entertaining, you get more views and thus earn more money.
To break it down, your income from ads will be about $1 to $3 for 1,000 views. That shows that it will take at least a couple of months or years to make a full-time income youtubing as a beginner.
But in the long run, your income can blossom quickly and you start making a full time income. According to InfluencerMarketingHub, popular YouTube stars make below income in one year:
- PewDiePie: USD 12 million
- Fine Brothers: USD 8.5 million
- Michelle Phan: USD 3 million
- Rosanna Ransino: USD 2.5 million
6. Make Money with Instagram
Making money on instagram is quite interesting! If you post interesting photos and stories frequently and engage with your followers and other Instagrammers, you can grow your following and become an influencer.
The more people you can reach, the more opportunities you have to monetize your content with sponsored or affiliate/ own products.
You can market your lifestyle while promoting products like fashion, jewelries, tea, shoes,cosmetics, or anything you use in your everyday life. You can also focus on a certain niche for instance, you can become a fashion, food, fitness, mom or travel influencer.
How much money do you need to start making money on Instagram?
With Instagram you don’t need any money to start!
In the beginning, you can take your photos with your smartphone and edit them with free editing tools, such as InShot and photopro
Note: Don’t buy followers or likes! Instagram will detect this and limit your account in the long run.
How much money do Instagram Influencer make?
According to Petal analysis:
- If you are a micro-influencer, which means you have between 6,000 and 10,000 followers, you can expect to get around USD 90 per sponsored post.
- If you have between 50,000 and 80,000 followers, this rate increases to USD 200 per post.
- More than 250,000 followers can get USD 670 and more.
Keep in mind that the analysis above also depends on how engaged your audience is, what type of products you promote, and sponsors.
You can also use affiliate products in your stories, links and posts to earn commissions.
7. Sell your photo online
Selling your photo online is a good way to make several thousand bucks in a month.
But before you can start making money from selling your photos online, it’s important to get good photography equipment. But, as we said earlier, you don’t have to spend a fortune on a high end camera to sell your images.
If you’ve got a DSLR camera, you’ll have more options for selling photos to stock libraries, to sites for prints, or for print-on-demand products. This is because digital cameras will generally produce higher-resolution images than regular smart phones.
However, some smartphones are trumping digital cameras these days, with the likes of Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra and Huawei P30 Pro.
This post has a well detailed guide to help you sell your photos online and make money.
How much can you make selling photos?
In general, stock photos earn approximately 20-45 cents per image, in a month. This also depends on many factors, including sites you upload to, your skill in SEO, and the uniqueness of the images.
So these are 7 small business ideas you can start with $50 in 2021 with huge returns.