Learning to freeze food, how to freeze food, what food freezes well and the best tips and tricks to freezing food for a very long time is one of the best ways to save money on food.
Our daily food can be one of the biggest budget drainers, putting a permanent hole in our budget and making it look like we’re wasting time with the whole idea of budgeting or even saving money.
But however challenging saving money on food can be, freezing food can be one of the quickest tricks to get that done for you.
Having a good freezer is a prerequisite for any home conscious of spending money. A great home refrigerator can help cut your grocery budget in half.
There are foods that you can save for longer than 1 month by just freezing them.
If you’re wondering what food to freeze or how to freeze certain types of foods, then grab your cup of smoothie and let’s run over this.
Here is a list of 21 foods that you can freeze to save money.
50 Frugal Living Ideas To Save Lots Of Money This Year.
22 Foods You Never Thought You Can Freeze to Save Money

There are different ways to freeze tomatoes. You can cook, blend, and then drain out excess water before you freeze. You can just toss them into a freezer bag until you have enough to make a batch of sauce. You can freeze them with or without their skins. You can also freeze premade tomatoes.
Soup broths are so easy to make, and once you make them, you can keep in the freezer so it’s available at a later date. I use mason jars or plastic containers to freeze. Be sure to keep your mason jar lid a little loose while freezing to keep it from breaking.
Do you know that you can make pizzas ahead, freeze them, and pull them out when you want to eat? It’s a perfect solution to prevent ordering pizza when you have a bunch of them in your freezer and all you have to do is pull one out when you are ready and microwave if you want.
You can comfortably freeze your excess muffin for when you need them. All you have to do is toss the extras in your freezer.
To prevent flax and chia seeds from going rancid, toss them in the freezer and store them. It does take a while to exhaust a bag, so refrigerating is the best way to preserve them.
Freeze fresh herbs by chopping them up, mixing them with a little bit of water, and tossing them in ice cube trays. Once frozen just pop them out and store them in a freezer bag for when you need them.
7. NUTS.
You mustn’t store your nuts in a bottle, you can also freeze them to prevent them from going rancid too quickly.
You can freeze pasta sauce in freezer-safe containers or freezer bags. I prefer to lay the freezer bags flat down and freeze. Then you can pile them up on top of each other to take up less space in your freezer.
This is another food convenient to freeze flat on a cookie sheet and then toss in a freezer bag. You can actually take the pancakes out and put them in a toaster to heat them up!
Spinach goes bad easily.
I do struggle to exhaust a bag of spinach before it goes bad. You can blend spinach with a bit of water and then pour it into ice cube trays and freeze. This is perfect for smoothies for sauces.
You can dice your onions or slice them into rings, toss them into freezer bags. Be sure to not dice them up too finely or they may turn mushy. You may want to freeze onions by placing your freezer bag flat on the freezer so that it freezes flat.
12. MILK
You can freeze milk. It’s more comfortable in a bag, but if your milk comes in a jug, be sure to pour some off the top to prevent the jug from busting as it will expand when it freezes.
We often buy discounted meat like chicken, beef, and pork that are almost bad but we toss them in the freezer and they stay good until we need them.
So we already know freezing is the best way to store fresh proteins.
Avocados tend to get mushy after freezing, so if you are going to freeze avocados, then it is best to use them for dip, dressings, or smoothies. Blend up the avocados and mix in some lemon juice and stick it in the freezer until needed.
All berries; Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries freeze well. During berry season, we like to pick a bunch, and then after I’ve washed them all (and hulled them if they are strawberries) I lay them on a cookie sheet and flash freeze them. Once they are frozen I put them in a freezer bag. This prevents them from sticking to each other.
Do you know when those bananas are starting to turn brown? It’s a perfect time to freeze them for smoothies or baking! Peel the bananas, lay them on a cookie sheet, and freeze them that way. Once frozen you can stick them in a freezer bag and pull one out every time you need one.
Unsure of what to do with all that zucchini you got from your garden? You can grate zucchini and put it in freezer bags. I like to put 2 cups of zucchini in each bag. Then, when it’s time to make zucchini bread I just pull out a bag. You will need to drain off the excess liquid from it before baking with it though.
18. EGGS
Yes, you can freeze eggs, but no, don’t try and put a whole egg in your freezer. To freeze them, you crack the eggs, whisk them, and then pour them into an ice cube tray. Once frozen you can put them in a freezer bag.
Cheese is so freezable, but you don’t just throw in a whole bunch of cheese in your freezer, it will get mushed up and ruined. You want to grate it first, then stick it in a freezer bag.
Butter is super easy to freeze. Just pop it in the freezer as it is and take it out when you need it- Frozen and good to go.
21. PEAS
You can freeze peas well and for a very long time. Just wash your peas, allow water to drain out and freeze using your regular freezer bag.
Both carrot and peas can freeze well but it’s not advisable to store them for too long.
To freeze carrots, slice them into sizable bits and then freeze with a freezer bag or plastic container.
So here you have them, 22 Foods You Never Thought You Can Freeze to Save Money this year and beyond so you can start saving more.
You are free to add a rundown of your food items that magically freeze well too!